

Saturday 28 November 2015

The Useful Aspects Of Dermabrasion

Improvements in the facial appearance is what makes more and more many men and women search for the help of estheticians for obtaining a fresher, smoother and more attractive facial skin. Currently, dermabrasion has become quite widely used procedure, although it is very complicated and painful.
Dermabrasion is a method that helps in reducing scars and wrinkles, as well as in improving the skin quality. Do not confuse this method with micro-dermabrasion, which method uses crystals to polish skin and to remove the dead cells. In fact, dermabrasion improves skin reproduction qualities not only in the top layer, as it is in the micro-dermabrasion method, but also in the lower dermal layers. In addition, it stimulates the production of collagen and cleans the pores, making skin smoother and soft.
This procedure is also applied in cases of bleeding in the skin epidermal layer. Electric brush is applied along with a special system that contains either micro crystals or rough edges to get rig of dead cells. A brush is moved very fast, thus exfoliating the skin from unnecessary elements. Some time ago this medical procedure was applied with a device working with abrasive agents.
There is more advanced and painless method of laser dermabrasion for effective removing of prominent scars, thus preferred from many clients. Unfortunately, it is not so effective for other skin problems. Simply said, classic dermabrasion is much more complicated and effective method compared to laser dermabrasion, which purpose is only to control calibrate and bleeding without causing any bleeding.
There are certain cases, in which dermabrasion is simply necessary and very effective mean for curing.

It helps in chicken pox and acne scars removing. The procedure is performed by applying local anesthesia or by taking a sedative given by the doctor. Since the scars are located in the top layer of the skin, this method removes it, stimulating reproduction of new cells by applying medication. The recovery time is not long and the procedure itself is fast.
People who want to get rid of keratoses also can take advantage of dermabrasion. These small growths can be hazardous, since if left may turn into a cancer. The procedure of keratose removal is a bit different from the previous one, because the doctor has to freeze the area first, applying a Freon spray, then to remove one growth at a time. The patient will not feel any pain during the procedure and will recover completely for the period of only one week.
Dermabrasion is effective approach for removing stretch marks, appeared after the pregnancy, and wrinkles. During the pregnancy women develop undesirable stretch marks around midsection and abdomen. The procedure however proved to effectively combat with the cellulite deposits, which are under the skin surface. To fix and remove facial wrinkles, the physician pulls harder the skin, thus eliminating these unpleasant signs of aging. The recovery period for this procedure lasts for one or two days only, which will depend of patient’s age and the expertise of the doctor.

An Overview on the Factors involved for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Mammoplasty is the term used to refer to breast augmentation or enlargement done through a medical procedure, which is also referred to as cosmetic surgery, or breast implants. A silicone bag is planted over or under the breast muscle and filled with gel or saline solution. This medical procedure has been used for many decades popularly. Large numbers of women yearn to get larger breasts to look more attractive, but they cannot afford to go through this breast surgery, due to the exorbitant costs involved as well as the fact that it is dangerous.
There is no doubt that this type of breast augmentation surgery is a major surgery. The patient is admitted in hospital and has to get general anesthesia before the actual surgery. The curing time may be several months. Many people wish to have enlarged breasts, replace one if they have had to go through a mastectomy, or just make them look better cosmetically. Some used it when they wish to undergo gender transformation.
It is important to give serious consideration to this type of surgery as it can cause damaging effects on your overall health. One of the primary considerations is the exorbitant costs involved. A patient can run up a bill for a couple of thousands of dollars. This surgery also leaves a visible scar near the nipple or along the folds of the breast.
Since this treatment is carried out over a period of time, it can prove very expensive as one has to be on medication for a long time. Women have to undergo a lot of pain, which can last for several months, once the procedure is over. The other important factors to consider are that any major surgeries may bring upon adverse unexpected reactions, depending on the health of the individual who undergoes the treatment. Some patients suffer from ruptures of the implant, excessive bleeding reactions, reactions from anesthetic effects and infection, which can be fatal.
Triactol Bust Serum has proved to be a safe and effective alternative that can be used to get the same effects. The natural extract of the herb Pmirifica is manufactured as it has excellent properties. You just have to apply this extract on your breast and in a couple of week you will notice a permanent increase, in the cup size of your breasts. Not only is this treatment safe, but you can get equally good results without going through the surgery for breast augmentation.

Many people in the medical community were genuinely concerned about how the implants would work for women who breast-feed their children. These fears have now been proved futile. In fact, it has been observed that the formulas sold in the market had increased levels of silicone, which were much higher than those found in the milk of women, who underwent this surgery.
People may be under the impression that U.S is the best capital for carrying out breast augmentation. However this is not true. China has proved to be the most popular country where these types of surgeries are affected. This only goes to prove that plastic surgery is more popular in China.

Skin Care Tips

Hormonal Acne and its Effects on Adults and Teenagers

Teenagers are not the only ones who suffer from acne as this problem afflicts adults as well. Studies on the subject indicate that incidences of acne have increased, in the recent years especially in adults. There have been no conclusive evidences of the specific causes for acne, but studies are being conducted at a more focused level on the causes of acne, resulting due to hormonal reasons. Hormones become imbalanced during the various stages of puberty, pregnancy, menopause or menstruation and this in turn, stimulates the sebaceous glands, which trigger acne.
Acne can prove devastating for adults as none of the drugs that are sold over the counter for teenagers work to arrest this problem.
Acne that is brought about by hormonal imbalances gets activated when teenagers are in their twenties and continues till they are adults. During the ages of 11 to 14, acne is brought on when the teenager goes through puberty and, androgen production is at its maximum. Since hormonal acne is directly associated with androgen, the glands get over-stimulated with the hormones and this is the reason for acne development.

Due to problems with hormonal imbalance, women tend to get affected with acne twice as often as men. Women get acne when they are beset with Premenstrual Symptoms (PMS.)The other reason for acne is when women suffer from PCOs (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome,) which is a disease that affects hormones, due to lack of or irregular menstruation, hair loss, infertility and various other factors. Adrenal Hyperplasia is another condition that is similar to this problem.
Women who are 35 years and older and approaching menopause may find themselves subject to acne flare-ups even though this is a new development in their lives. Menopause has the power to trigger acne due to the hormonal imbalances induced during this period.
Stress is another important factor that brings about hormonal imbalance. Our bodies start producing Cortisol, in large numbers, to cope with the increased rate of processes that begin to take place due to stress. The processes that take place may result due to glycogen being released when protein is converted to energy. Cortisol is also responsible for digestion, repressing cell regeneration and endocrine regulation. When the body is stressed out, it begins to focus on the Cortisol levels instead of the processes and this brings on acne, depression, fatigue etc.
Doctors normally prescribe oral corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, anti-androgens etc. There are various options available to try to stabilize this problem. These treatments may bring about adverse reactions, so one should be careful not to worsen the conditions. Most people prefer to use natural methods to treat hormonal acne, as it is safer and more convenient.
Dermatologists are of the opinion that diet does not affect acne but many people who are plagued with this problem know the benefits of avoiding carbs, trans-fats and refined sugar to control the levels of acne. It is definitely a plus point to adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to balance hormones to deal with hormonal acne.

Take The Most Of Natural Anti Aging Therapy

Currently people are trying to find some effective solutions that will help them erase the aging signs. The modern lifestyle leads to earlier aging compared to last centuries. Scientists have conducted many researches that proved that higher calorie intake can be considered as one of the main reasons for that. Although every food we consume has calories, some foods have an excess of calories and are harmful for our health leading to weight problems. Doctors strongly recommend us to avoid those foods in order to combat the early aging symptoms.
As another anti aging prevention, regular exercises and daily activities slow down the process of aging. Skin cells could b deteriorated mainly by inflammation and cellular oxidation. On the other hand, daily physical activities and reduction of calorie intake not only prevents the early cells’ deterioration, but regenerate affected cells.

 Such issues like muscle strength and loss of stamina, as well as osteoporosis symptoms can be successfully combated with regular workouts. In order to be affective, they should contain fifteen repetitions for each of at least 10 exercises. According to AHA, they should be carried out at least three times weekly to build an effective strength-building plan.
The death of cells begins with their inability to multiply anymore. As a result, fine lines and wrinkles show up. This is why it is very important to find the right remedy that will stop that early death of cells. This simple solution is hidden in the way you eat, i.e. in the calorie intake that should be strictly controlled. Opposite to common misconception, your immune system will get stronger when the calorie intake is reduced to minimum.

Although doctors usually do not treat the aging, there are many kinds of solutions available on the market today – from simple cosmetic to clinical. People, who are experiencing the first signs of aging, can hide them finding some cosmetics remedies while applying some long-term anti aging therapy. However, it is quite difficult to find products that can postpone or stop the aging signs.
If you like to have an effective anti aging treatment, do not disregard the healthy lifestyle and diet as main factors to successfully combat this problem and all other diseases. Stay away from all harmful habits like drinking alcohol, smoking, overeating or eating a lot of fat, salty or processed foods. All these habits will contribute for quick damage of skin cells and the entire body system.
Don’t forget also about the powerful effect of drinking water. Everyday water consumption should be at least 5 and up to 8 glasses.
Consume as many antioxidants and health supplements in your diet as possible as a great natural anti aging therapy. Antioxidants are mainly in the greens of dark color like spinach, carrots, berries and tomatoes. They are able to successfully neutralize those free radicals that cause age diseases.
Improving your physical wellness is of the supreme importance when trying to improve physical appearance. You are responsible of what people think when they meet you. Your way of life will become visible from your physical appearance.

Types of Acne Treatment and How to Follow Instructions Carefully

Teenagers are normally faced with this predicament, when their skin is covered with acne. One of the underlying factors that cause this is the male hormones. The other causes can be related to hormonal problems which also affect acne.
“Acne vulgaris” (acne) affects both men, as well as women, especially when they are in the adolescence stage. It also surfaces during the menstrual period, when women are expecting or during menopause. At the adolescent stage, the endocrine sex glands that protect body tissues are secreted. Androgen is the name given to these type of hormones and since it is commonly found in men, they are the worst affected, for this type of skin eruptions.
Androgen has the effect of inducing oil (sebaceous) glands that are generally associated with the hair follicles or pores of the skin. Though the sweat glands continue to secrete and become lively, they are unable to reach the surface of the skin. They begin to form a white dot known as the “white head” when the gland expands and stretches the tissues surrounding it. For some, this secretion becomes discolored, when it undergoes a chemical reaction. This is how blackheads form at the hair shafts. Both the human gland, as well as the hair follicle, continue to stretch and finally rupture, causing infection in the area. It starts by producing the papule and then becoming a pimple or pustule.
Are there any treatments to cure acne that is caused by the hormones? Acne can be cured by you as you practice self-treatment. You have to learn how to take care of your acne by following these steps. Wash your face and upper part of the body, using a mild soap and warm water, thrice daily. Steam the gently, after washing for about fifteen minutes daily. Do not use cosmetics. Never try to prick the pimple or pustule with your fingers and refrain from touching the face with dirty fingers. It is important to flush your system with cool fresh water and fruit juices. Try to sleep for about seven or eight hours daily and avoid chocolates, starchy foods and nuts. It is important to follow a healthy, wholesome and well-balanced diet, which incorporates vegetable and fruits.
The other option is to use the topical acne treatment. This means using any type of lotion, cream or gel that suits your skin type and condition of acne, which could range from mild, moderate, or severe. You could opt for oral treatment that is prescribed by skin experts. They can advise you on the best acne treatment for inducing oil from producing in the tiny glands that contain sebum. Anti-androgen treatment may also be prescribed to treat acne. You may be able to reduce the production of the sebaceous gland to a certain extent but not fully. The role of sebum is important for the functioning of the body and cannot therefore be totally stopped.

Hormonal therapy is another type of hormonal acne treatment. The excess male sex hormones produced are reversed during the process of this treatment and this may control androgen. How you take care of your skin will yield results and help to improve the condition of your health, as well as your skin. The hormonal acne treatment should be done importantly to ensure that the skin acquires an acne-free young, healthy and flawless skin.
The introduction of the latest innovations in technology for acne have resulted in many expensive brands of cosmetics hitting the market and many people now try to use affordable options that are mild and easy to use home products. These methods are inexpensive and more effective than the cosmetics that are over-hyped by the media.
There is no doubt that one has to use the right methods to cure the problem of acne from the root, which is dealing with the bacteria that causes acne, removing excess oil that forms on the skin, clearing clogged pores and healing inflamed skin. These are the four most potential causes that trigger acne and should be dealt with, when trying to control acne apart from dealing with low self-esteem, depression and so on, that generally affects people when acne spreads.
Most of the face washes, creams and bar soaps, including those that contain acne formulas, contain Benzoyl peroxide nowadays. This has to be used sparingly as excess causes the skin to redden and dry.
Salicylic acid is also used in quite a few facial pads and washes. It helps to unclog the skin pores and prevent pimples, acne skin or skin scars from re-grouping. This should be applied sparingly on the skin or it could have negative effects on the skin.
Using Olive Leaf extract is also beneficial as it is capable of annihilating viruses that are present in the cells, as they interact with the amino-acids produced and gets rid of viruses that lie in the body of the cells. The Olive Leaf extract has powerful anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that kills microorganisms and prevents production of “mycotoxins,” which are harmful to hormonal regulation, as well as toxic elimination. This powerful leaf extract can also, break and destroy the external lining of the bacteria in acne, which will help to control the spreading of this condition. Therefore try to use this amazing leaf extract that has great properties which can take care of eliminating the acne quickly.
Like any other home acne treatment, the response varies from person to person and you need to have patience to wait for results which may be slow, but if you are consistent with the acne treatment for a few weeks, you are bound to see results. There is also the possibility that these home treatments may not work for you, but may worsen the condition, so use them with caution. Check with your dermatologist before you plan to try anything new from home. They will help you to be cautious, as well as guide you on the right methods of following these treatments for effective results.

Overview of Dental Caries – Causes, Prevention and Treatment of Dental Caries


History of dental caries
Dental caries, otherwise referred to as tooth cavity or tooth decay, is a very common disease where the hard structure of the tooth i.e. the dentin, enamel, and the cementum, are affected by bacterial processes. Dental caries is actually the medical or scientific term used to describe tooth decay. The teeth tissues increasingly break down causing holes (caries or cavities) within the teeth. Dental caries are one of the oldest dental diseases known to man, dating back to the medieval and Neolithic ages. During those times dental caries cases were treated using herbs and so the prevalence was not that high. However, after the advent of Coca-Cola and the likes, dental caries became very, and has affected very many people across the world today more than ever before.
Causes of dental caries
Diet is one of the major causes of not only tooth decay but almost all other tooth related diseases in the world today. Dental caries manifest as chalky white which progressively becomes a fully blown, large visible cavity. The main cause of dental caries is bacteria which are responsible for the manufacture of acid inside the mouth. When this acid comes in contact with the teeth, they will become very sensitive so will be weak and more prone to infections. You see, naturally the teeth are in a demineralization state so when they are exposed to low pHs the process of deterioration will start, ensuing in a cavity or decay.

A dental cavity is visible by the naked eye so your dentist should be able to give you a thorough examination in search of caries each time you visit, which should ideally be after every 6 months. Your dentist will look at your teeth and even probe them if need be with a tool known as an explorer in search of damaged areas or pits. Dental caries in their onset stage could however not be visible with this method, but high tech and advanced technology such as using X-rays and lasers can help detect and diagnose dental caries. These technologies are advisable as they will detect the condition when it is in its onset stage, a time advisable since reversing dental caries is much possible at such a time.
If dental carries is left untreated for an extended period of time, it can lead to unbearable pain, occurrence of opportunistic infections and ultimately tooth extraction. Despite the fact that pain is one of the major symptoms of dental carries, no one knows exactly the real cause of pain but there are theories such as inflammation as a result of the acid-causing bacteria, exposure of your teeth’s root surface, and fluid imbalance levels in small openings inside the dentin known as tubules.
Prevention of dental caries
They say prevention is better than cure and when it comes to dental cavities and other dental diseases, you are better off preventing the occurrence of the disease than actually curing it. Regardless of the form of treatment that you take, things will never be the same again with your teeth once affected by dental cavities. The following are some of the simple procedures and tips you should practice to prevent the onset of the disease.
- First and foremost, you should ensure you brush your teeth on a regular basis, if possible after every meal, and if not possible at least twice, in the morning and at night before you go to bed.
- By the same token, ensure you floss regularly, and floss the right way i.e. down beneath the gum-line to get rid of any plaque and food debris that could be hiding down there
- The worst enemy of dental caries is sugary stuff, so you are better off avoiding these beverages and foods and instead have a diet made of nutritionally healthy foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Last but not least ensure you book an appointment with your dentist at least twice every year. This way, you can have your teeth get a thorough professional checkup and cleaning meaning you can be able to catch a dental caries in its onset stage when it will be easier to treat, before it turns out into a major stubborn problem. By the same token, you should always visit your doctor anytime you see and feel signs of pain and discomfort, or increased levels of sensitivity in your teeth; you don’t have to wait for the next scheduled appointment as it could be too late to treat an otherwise mild condition.
As mentioned, treatment for dental caries is best when in its onset stage since such things as fluorides can be used. Fillings and dental crowns can also help treat the condition but when the worst comes to the worst, the only way you can stop the pain is through tooth extraction. So to avoid all this, why don’t you just observe high oral hygiene?